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Not Receiving Mail From Blogger Contact Form Despite Success Message Notification? Fix Here

It is true that Google has made things easier long time ago for those who want to use the contact form widget on their blogger blog.

You simply do so by going to your blogger dashboard layout and adding new gadget by selecting the Contact Form widget to a suitable position in your blog.

But now, there is a problem that some do encounter while making use of this Contact Form widget on their blogger blog and it is the problem of “Contact Form not working”

Not working in the sense that after successfully inserting Contact Form, on trying to test it out or visitors using it to contact you, they get success message sent after composing message and clicking on the Sendbutton, but you on your part, you are not able to see the mail (destination message) in your inbox.

Now what do you do you do in such scenario or where and what email was the message sent to?

Here is what you should know in case if you are experiencing similar issue;

First thing first is for you to know that your blogger Contact Form is attached to your Blogger email; meaning that the destination messages from your contact Form gets to the email inbox of your Blogger.

After you have figured that out; we have come to understand that many Gmail users only concentrate on their Primary Inbox and Spam folder for receiving their mails/messages and do not bother to look around other folders or tabs that are present in Gmail.

Most people that complain that they cannot find or get the messages sent from their Blogger Contact Form widget even after success message notification fall within this category.

If you open your Gmail, and select the inbox option to see your mails, you will notice that the Primary tab out of 3 Inbox tabs is selected at the top, now people often ignore or are unaware of the 2 other tabs, Socialand Promotion.

So they only end up checking received mail in the primary inbox tab and the best they can do after checking the primary inbox tabs without seeing the mail is to navigate to their Spam folder, and if they fail to see it there, then they conclude that they have not received any mail/message from any source (Contact Form).

Now, most times your Blogger Contact Form messages land in your Gmail inbox associated with your Blogger under the Socialinbox tab.

Just click on the Social tab now and those messages that have been sent via your Blogger Contact Form most probably are there; and nothing wrong in also checking the Promotion tab if you can’t see them under the Social tab, but I am almost certain that the messages are in your Social inbox tab.